**#0382 The Naomi Lynn Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎโœจ teller and Dream catcher Visions and White Witch!

**#0382 The Naomi Lynn Star ๐Ÿ’ซ ✨ Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎ✨ teller and Dream catcher Visions and White Witch! I'm a Tarot card ♠️♦️ Reader and I also Make Spell books,witches Rune's and candle's and more and Im a Spiritual Walker and more since very young! ( This is a real picture I took in front of my house ๐Ÿก in Milwaukee Oregon in May 2020 !from my cell phone anyways me and my kids and grandkids all have Fairy garden's so do you believe after seeing this picture?

Saturday, January 21, 2023

January 21,2023 Tarot card ♦️♠️ Reading done by myself #0382 The Naomi Lynn Star ๐ŸŒ ✨ Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎ✨ Teller and Dream Catcher Visions and White ๐Ÿงน๐Ÿค witch Naomi Lynn Simon!


Pisces are the type to feel everything—in fact, it’s likely their life motto is that it’s important to feel through their feelings, even the bad ones. They don’t shy away from sadness or hurt or discomfort, maybe because they feel incapable of distracting themselves from it in the first place. Because of this, when they’re heartbroken, it can feel impossible to move on from it. Healing can often feel like a long, drawn-out process of experiencing their hurt and betrayal over and over again, almost as if for the first time. Luckily though, because they feel so deeply, they’ll still be able to invest their heart in the next person who makes them fall and love them wholeheartedly—but if one thing is true about a Pisces, it’s that they never forget the people !


Cancers try to act like they have a tough exterior, but under their shell, they’re often softer than people realize. Even if they refuse to show it to those around them, the hurt and betrayal they feel will linger in their hearts long after they claim to have moved on. Their past relationships often influence their future ones, not because they can’t let go of the people who broke their hearts (though sometimes they struggle with that, too) but because they’re afraid of having the rug pulled out from underneath them again. They may try to harden their shell to protect themselves from being heartbroken again, but the truth is that they’ll always be sensitive souls—and while that may feel like a curse in the moment, it’s truly a blessing, because it’ll be what allows them to ultimately love someone with all their heart again.


Aries have the tendency to feel their feelings to the extreme. Unlike a Pisces, who may wallow in their sadness, an Aries will cycle through a plethora of complicated emotions, always so sure in the moment that what they feel now is what’s the most important. One day, they might be so angry at their ex that they never want to see them again; by the next, they may be so dead set on getting back together that they’ll unblock their ex on all the platforms they blocked them on the day before. This rollercoaster of emotions can make it difficult to move on, especially if they’ve convinced themselves that their ex is their soulmate or that they’ve been wronged in some way. The good news is that it doesn’t last forever, though—Aries has such a beautiful capacity for love, and once they give their heart to someone else, they’ll finally be able to leave all the heartache behind. 


Cancers try to act like they have a tough exterior, but under their shell, they’re often softer than people realize. Even if they refuse to show it to those around them, the hurt and betrayal they feel will linger in their hearts long after they claim to have moved on. Their past relationships often influence their future ones, not because they can’t let go of the people who broke their hearts (though sometimes they struggle with that, too) but because they’re afraid of having the rug pulled out from underneath them again. They may try to harden their shell to protect themselves from being heartbroken again, but the truth is that they’ll always be sensitive souls—and while that may feel like a curse in the moment, it’s truly a blessing, because it’ll be what allows them to ultimately love someone with all their heart again.


Aries have the tendency to feel their feelings to the extreme. Unlike a Pisces, who may wallow in their sadness, an Aries will cycle through a plethora of complicated emotions, always so sure in the moment that what they feel now is what’s the most important. One day, they might be so angry at their ex that they never want to see them again; by the next, they may be so dead set on getting back together that they’ll unblock their ex on all the platforms they blocked them on the day before. This rollercoaster of emotions can make it difficult to move on, especially if they’ve convinced themselves that their ex is their soulmate or that they’ve been wronged in some way. The good news is that it doesn’t last forever, though—Aries has such a beautiful capacity for love, and once they give their heart to someone else, they’ll finally be able to leave all the heartache behind.


There’s often a misconception that Virgo isn’t a very emotional sign, but au contraire. Virgos aren’t as likely to display their feelings openly, especially if they’re going through a tough time, but they’re often prone to suffer in silence. They’re overthinkers, and when their heart gets broken, it’s difficult for them to think about anything else—they’ll play past moments in their head on repeat, wondering where they went wrong or what they could have done differently. Even when they’re not at fault, they’ll find a way to blame themselves for what happened. Even when they get to a point where they no longer have feelings for an ex, the situation will haunt them at the back of their mind—it’s just important that they learn that everyone has regrets and that they can’t let it dictate their life going forward.



Cancers try to act like they have a tough exterior, but under their shell, they’re often softer than people realize. Even if they refuse to show it to those around them, the hurt and betrayal they feel will linger in their hearts long after they claim to have moved on. Their past relationships often influence their future ones, not because they can’t let go of the people who broke their hearts (though sometimes they struggle with that, too) but because they’re afraid of having the rug pulled out from underneath them again. They may try to harden their shell to protect themselves from being heartbroken again, but the truth is that they’ll always be sensitive souls—and while that may feel like a curse in the moment, it’s truly a blessing, because it’ll be what allows them to ultimately love someone with all their heart again.


Aries have the tendency to feel their feelings to the extreme. Unlike a Pisces, who may wallow in their sadness, an Aries will cycle through a plethora of complicated emotions, always so sure in the moment that what they feel now is what’s the most important. One day, they might be so angry at their ex that they never want to see them again; by the next, they may be so dead set on getting back together that they’ll unblock their ex on all the platforms they blocked them on the day before. This rollercoaster of emotions can make it difficult to move on, especially if they’ve convinced themselves that their ex is their soulmate or that they’ve been wronged in some way. The good news is that it doesn’t last forever, though—Aries has such a beautiful capacity for love, and once they give their heart to someone else, they’ll finally be able to leave all the heartache behind.


There’s often a misconception that Virgo isn’t a very emotional sign, but au contraire. Virgos aren’t as likely to display their feelings openly, especially if they’re going through a tough time, but they’re often prone to suffer in silence. They’re overthinkers, and when their heart gets broken, it’s difficult for them to think about anything else—they’ll play past moments in their head on repeat, wondering where they went wrong or what they could have done differently. Even when they’re not at fault, they’ll find a way to blame themselves for what happened. Even when they get to a point where they no longer have feelings for an ex, the situation will haunt them at the back of their mind—it’s just important that they learn that everyone has regrets and that they can’t let it dictate their life !

Big Pisces Energy. Just a girl trying to understand the secrets !

Remember — the Universe gave up celestial pieces of itself to craft you. So much had to conspire in order for you to be here. So be here. Be here, and be exactly who you want to be. Create the art you want to create. Speak your heart into existence. Bloom where you are planted. Dig and dig and dig into the core of your passion, and hold on to whatever ignites something inside of you, hold onto whatever stirs your soul. Get to know yourself, and own it; never apologize for the way your heart beats against your chest. Never apologize for taking up space. Just be here. Just be here and remember — you were bred from the crashing, and folding of the Universe into itself. Life may be messy, but you were born from a chaos that existed between stars. 

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