**#0382 The Naomi Lynn Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎโœจ teller and Dream catcher Visions and White Witch!

**#0382 The Naomi Lynn Star ๐Ÿ’ซ ✨ Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎ✨ teller and Dream catcher Visions and White Witch! I'm a Tarot card ♠️♦️ Reader and I also Make Spell books,witches Rune's and candle's and more and Im a Spiritual Walker and more since very young! ( This is a real picture I took in front of my house ๐Ÿก in Milwaukee Oregon in May 2020 !from my cell phone anyways me and my kids and grandkids all have Fairy garden's so do you believe after seeing this picture?

Thursday, December 29, 2022

December 29,2022+ True story told by myself #0382 The Naomi Lynn Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎ✨ Teller and Dream Catcher Visions and White ๐Ÿงน๐Ÿค witch Naomi Lynn, last year when I was cruising around the USA because I was told to leave my house ๐Ÿก by Rob Dixon instead of flying to save my kids and grandkids and go to the Mayo clinic hospital in Jacksonville beach ๐Ÿ–️ Florida I went and seen a bunch of grave yards and spirits and I got this picture of the little girls ❤️ at Palo Christi elementary school in Kingman Arizona pretty cool huh do you believe or not?

December 29,2022 + Tarot card ♠️♦️ Reading done by myself #0382 The Naomi Lynn Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎ✨ Teller and Dream Catcher Visions and White ๐Ÿงน๐Ÿค witch Naomi Lynn!

As EarthSky reported, a rare unicorn meteor shower, the alpha Monocerotid meteor shower, was predicted for the night of Nov. 21, 2019.As it turned out, while observers reported the occasional stray meteor that night, none saw the dazzling burst of meteors that they were hoping to see. But the true mystery of the alpha Monocerotids remains, along with the likelihood that on some upcoming November night this celestial “unicorn” will indeed put on a spectacular sky show. A Long Time Coming
What sets the alpha Monocerotids apart from other annual meteor showers is that its parent comet remains undetected and unknown. It is believed to be a “long-period” comet, one that hasn’t made more than one complete orbit in the last 200 years. Indeed, for all we know, the parent comet of the alpha Monocerotids could take a million years between return visits to the inner solar system. What Goes Around Comes Around
The central puzzle of the alpha Monocerotid meteor shower is that while it’s almost certainly produced by a comet, we don’t know which one. The meteor showers that periodically put on nighttime shows are usually associated with periodic comets. These are comets that make regular visits to Earth’s neighborhood every few years or decades. ( December 29,2022 + Tarot card ♦️♠️ Reading For today is " Karma will catch ya when you don't expect it to! So you better be Honest and Peaceful with your self and your family and friends! Tarot' card Reading done by myself #0382 The Naomi Lynn Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎ✨ Teller and Dream Catcher Visions and White ๐Ÿงน Witch Naomi Lynn!

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

December 27,2022+ True story told by myself #0382 The Naomi Lynn Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎ✨ Teller and Dream Catcher Visions and White ๐Ÿงน๐Ÿค witch Naomi I took this picture of me at the road by harmony in Clackamas Oregon on Nov 27,2019 look what Klamath falls Oregon did to my face for no reason at all! this is a true story!

December 27,2022+ True story told by myself #0382 The Naomi Lynn Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎ✨ Teller and Dream Catcher Visions and White ๐Ÿงน๐Ÿค witch Naomi , I took this picture of myself at Sandy River going towards troutdale and Corbett Oregon on May 28,2021 , I'm standing under this huge tree ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŒด branch cool huh!

December 27,2022+ True story told by myself #0382 The Naomi Lynn Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎ✨ Teller and Dream Catcher Visions and White ๐Ÿงน๐Ÿค witch I took this picture at Sellwood park going towards oaks park in Milwauke/ Portland Oregon in June of 2020 Do you see the spirit's on the right side of the picture? I #0382 took this picture #0382 The Naomi Lynn Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎ✨ Teller and Dream Catcher Visions and White ๐Ÿงน๐Ÿค witch Naomi! ( I took this picture on February 14,2021)

December 27,2022+ True story told by myself #0382 The Naomi Lynn Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎ✨ Teller and Dream Catcher Visions and White ๐Ÿงน๐Ÿค witch I took this picture at Johnson Creek bike path in Milwauke/ Portland Oregon in June of 2020 Do you see the spirit's behind me?

December 27,2022+ True story told by myself #0382 The Naomi Lynn Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎ✨ Teller and Dream Catcher Visions and White ๐Ÿงน๐Ÿค witch, I took this picture of me in September of 2021 in the state of Virginia at a old recon airfoce base that they made into a rest area fraduatly anyways there's a spirit next to my head on the left in a orb form ,do you believe yet? I took this picture with my cellphone, !

December 27,2022+ True story told by myself #0382 The Naomi Lynn Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎ✨ Teller and Dream Catcher Visions and White ๐Ÿงน๐Ÿค witch, I took these pictures in May 2020 the top one is at Sandy River going towards troutdale, Oregon and the second one is at Johnson Creek bike trail in Milwauke/ Portland Oregon down the street from my house ๐Ÿก and the other one is Sellwood park and huge pool by mcglohin street/ road . anyways do you see the spirit's in these pictures? I do! I #0382 The Naomi Lynn Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎ✨ Teller and Dream Catcher Visions and White ๐Ÿงน Witch took all these pictures!

December 27,2022+ True story told by myself #0382 The Naomi Lynn Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎ✨ Teller and Dream Catcher Visions and White ๐Ÿงน๐Ÿค witch, I took this picture of me at Sellwood pool and park in January 2020 do you see the spirit's behind me? do you believe yet?

December 27,2022+ True story told by myself #0382 The Naomi Lynn Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎ✨ Teller and Dream Catcher Visions and White ๐Ÿงน๐Ÿค witch, I took this picture over my house in February 2020 , does it look like a Angel ๐Ÿ˜‡ to you? it does to me!

December 27,2022+ True story I #0382 The Naomi Lynn Simon and more took these pictures at 245am walking around the block. at my house ๐Ÿก in Milwaukee Oregon these pictures are on the same street of my house on SE RHODESIA ST Milwaukee Oregon. these are real pictures and the tree was not on fire just spirits by it, do you believe yet!? Signed, #0382 The Naomi Lynn Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎ Teller and Dream Catcher Visions and White Witch and more!

December 27,2022+ True story told by myself #0382 The Naomi Lynn Tarot's and Fortune ๐Ÿ”ฎ✨ Teller and Dream Catcher Visions and White ๐Ÿงน Witch and more worldwide and live " I've always known from Past lives that The color Purple ๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸŸฃ is the Color of the ๐Ÿงน Witch.

Monday, December 26, 2022

December 26,2022 + These are some of the pieces of jewelry I picked up over the USA since 11/19/19 to current 12/26/22 #0382 The Naomi Lynn Simon and more!

December 26,2022 + These are some of the pieces of jewelry I picked up over the USA since 11/19/19 to current 12/26/22 #0382 The Naomi Lynn Simon and more!

December 26,2022 + These are some of the pieces of jewelry I picked up over the USA since 11/19/19 to current 12/26/22 #0382 The Naomi Lynn Simon and more!

December 26,2022 + These are some of the pieces of jewelry I picked up over the USA since 11/19/19 to current 12/26/22 #0382 The Naomi Lynn Simon and more!

December 26,2022 + These are some of the pieces of jewelry I picked up over the USA since 11/19/19 to current 12/26/22 #0382 The Naomi Lynn Simon and more!

December 26,2022 + These are some of the pieces of jewelry I picked up over the USA since 11/19/19 to current 12/26/22 #0382 The Naomi Lynn Simon and more!

December 26,2022 + These are some of the pieces of jewelry I picked up over the USA since 11/19/19 to current 12/26/22 #0382 The Naomi Lynn Simon and more!